Scientia - Task Tracker


    Tools Used

  • ReactNative
  • Adobe XD

Project Overview

I came up with the idea of a better way to track assignments given the very lackluster of school based organizational tools in 2018-19, i took matters into my own hands to come up with a app that specifically tailored to mine and many other college students needs at the time. I would go on to handle everything from design to development (my first time coding with React Native) and then test possible api features with my current school work. This is how I built a prototype for the App.


    Mobile Design, Dev


    UX Design & Developer


    To improve the productivity and  organization of schoolwork and assignments.


    1. Discovery

    2. Solution

    3. Iteration

Discovery Phase

Quantitative Research

I interviewed a few student friends of mine and learned about what their needs where and how they were staying organized in order to gather the information I needed. These students spoke to me on how they managed their productive strategies whether it was digital or pen and paper. Here are the findings:

✅ Positives

  • Interviewees regard convenience as a priority when it comes to work management 
  • Interviewees use lots of journaling and the reminders app in their phone.
  • Interviewees also mentioned that a digital tool is much needed
  • ❌ Negatives

  • Interviewees mentioned that it needs to be very straight forward and not be added to the struggle of organization
  • Learning a new organization method can be time restrictive
  • Users of all levels of software knowledge while also staying feature strong
  • Online School systems can make organization impossible
  • Problem Statement

    👉🏼 I observed that organization and assignment management is very important when keeping a strong academic and personal life mixture, having each assignment accounted for allows for better time management…


    Recommendations from students


  • Having a sorting system based on due date, priority, or name
  • Being able to connect to the online school system to download
  • Being able to have reminders and notes attached to each other

  • Solution Phase


    After going through all the information and recommendations i have received i went along and made some rough sketches about how i think it should look and run:

    Sketches & Paper Prototypes

    After going through a few paper sketches i came to that final design and went to make wireframes and user flows. My key was to keep the pages and navigation to a minimum to keep quickness a priority.


    Wireframes & User Flows



    I built a clickable prototype, with Figma and started testing out features and with some of the team.

    Iteration Phase


  • Reduce how long it takes to create new reminders 
  • Display Reminders earlier to make quickness priority, try condense Assignment information into one card
  • More specific and straight forward user flow through screens​​​​​​​

  • Iterations

    Simplifying to allow consistent and smooth use process.


    👎 Limitations

    There are limitations when it comes to building a task app. Here I discuss why these solutions have its trade-offs:

  • User needs to have a smartphone or device laptop with an internet connection otherwise this solution will not solve their organization and task management will only save to device till connection is reestablished.
  • Takes time to establish confidence and reliance on the app.
  • Everyone is very different in the way they like to stay organized so building to include everyone can be difficult.

  • 👍 Value

    So why build an Task App?

  • The app a way to manage the school workload that can be a lot with, documents, projects, and all kinds of other school materials all in one easy to use application.
  • It was only made for students specifically but could easily be modified to allow all kinds of task managing.
  • Convenience is a huge factor.
  • Mobile device usage in schools is only becoming more and more reliant on good software to support the emerging digitization of school.